Tuesday 2 October 2012

How Do I Craft?

Now that you have a minecraft account, which everyone should, I guess I need to tell you how to craft.
I will now name EVERY SINGLE minecraft block, armor, tools, weapons, food, etc. Okai, Here i go: Bedrock, Clay Block, Damond Ore, Dirt, Emerald Ore, Glowstone Block, Gold Ore, Grass, Grass ( Tall ), Gravel, Ice, Iron Ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore, Lava, Leaves, Monster Egg, Monster Spawner, Mycelium, Netherrack, Obsidian, Redstone Lamp, Redstone Ore, Sand, Sandstone, Snow ( Dirt ),
Soul Sand, Stone ( Mossy ), Stone Smooth, Vines, Water, Wood, Bone, Bone Meal, Book, Book and Quill, Charcoal, Clay Ball, Diamond ( Gem ), Egg, Emerald, Ender Pearl, Feather, Fermented Spider Eye, Flint, Glowstone Dust, Gold Ingot, Gunpowder, Iron Ingot, Lapis Lazuli ( Dye ), Leather, Milk, Paper, Pumpkin, Redstone Dust, Seeds, Slimeball, Snowball, Spawn Egg ( Pig, Zombie, Ocelot, etc ), Spider Eye, Stick, String, Sugar, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Wool, Written Book, Brick Block, Clay Block, Clay Brick, Cobblestone, Cobblestone Slab, Diamond Block, Glass, Gold Block, Gravel, Iron Block, Lapis Lazuli Block, Sandstone Slab, Snow Block, Stone Slab, Stone Stairs, Wood Slab, Wood Stairs, Wooden Plank, Wool, Beef, Bread, Cake, Cooked Chicken, Cooked Fish, Cooked Porkchop, Cookie, Glistening Melon, Golden Apple, Melon Slice, Mushroom ( Brown ), Mushroom ( Red ), Mushroom Stew, Raw Chicken, Raw Fish, Raw Porkchop, Red Apple, Rotten Flesh ( I suggest you DON'T eat that >:P ), Steak, Sugar, Block of Emerald, Bookshelf, Brick Slab, Brick Stairs, Cobblestone Slab, Crafting Table, Farmland ( hat's what you get for hoeing the ground ), Fence, Furnace, Glass Pane, Iron Bars, Jack-O-Lantern, Jukebox, Ladder, Stone Brick, Stone Brick Stairs, Stone Stairs, Cactus, Flower ( Dandelion ), Flower ( Rose ), Lily Pad, Melon Block, Melon Seeds, Melon Stem, Pumpkin Seeds, Pumpkin Stem, Sapling, Sugar Cane Block, Bed, Bonus Chest, TNT, Cactus Green Dye, Cocoa Beans, Cyan Dye, Dandelion Yellow Dye, Grey Dye, Ink Sac, Light Blue Dye, Light Grey Dye, Lime Green Dye, Magenta Dye, Orange Dye, Pink Dye, Purple Dye, Rose Red Dye, Brewing Stand, Cauldron, Detector Rail, Dispenser, Enchantment Table, Fence Gate, Iron Door, Lever, Note Block, Piston, Sticky Piston, Portals, Powered Rails, Rails, Redstone Repeaters, Redstone Torche, Redstone Wire, Stone Button, Stone Pressure Plate, Trapdoor, Tripwire Hooks, Wood Door, Wood Pressure Plate, Wooden Tools ( Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel ), Stone Tools ( Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel ), Iron Tools ( Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel ), Gold Tools ( Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel ), Diamond Tools ( Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Shovel ), Bowl, Bucket, Chest, Clock, Compass, Fishing Rod, Flint and Steel, Map, Saddle, Shears, Water Bucket, Coal Ore, Wood Sword, Stone Sword, Iron Sword, Gold Sword, Diamond Sword, Arrow, Bow, Fire Charge, Snowball, Blaze Powder, Blaze Rod, Ghast Tear, Gold Nugget, Magma Cream, Nether Brick, Nether Brick Stairs, Nether Wart, Soul Sand, Leather Armor, Iron Armor, Gold Armor, Diamond Armor, Chain Armor, Boat, Minecart, Minecart ( Powered ), Minecart ( Storage ), Black Wool, Blue Wool, Brown Wool, Cobweb, Cyan Wool, Gray Wool, Green Wool, Jukebox, Light Blue Wool, Light Grey Wool, Lime Wool, Magenta Wool, Orange Wool, Painting, Pink Wool, Purple Wool, Red Wool, Sign, Torch, Yellow Wool, Bottle o' Enchanting, Circle Stone Brick, Sponge, Dragon Egg, End Portal, End Portal Frame, End Stone Block, Ender Chest, Eye of Ender. Sorry if I missed out anything, I didn't add music discs. And Sorry if I did something twice. That's all for the moment I gotta go CYA leky6 OUT!!!

Minecraft is Fun

Hi guys, my name is leky6 ( Minecraft Username ) and first I'm going to tell you what a wonderful game minecraft is. It is a great experience for kids, youth, and adults to build and construct houses and cities, mines and underground tunnels and heaps more! It is fun creating things on minecraft, because they have made endless worlds and servers of fun. Every time you go on minecraft you will have a blast... I know I do =] ! You can make your own servers and have other people join them so they can have lots of fun too! And YOU can join servers and spread the minecraft cheer and joy with everyone else. There are 3 main minecraft rules for me: 1. Respect Others 2. Help spread the fun! 3. ALWAYS enjoy yourself and HAVE FUN!!! If you don't know what minecraft is you must be insane. So hurry up go to the website create an account and join the fun. ( You won't regret it! ). Here is the minecraft link: www.minecraft.com